School Music
In a heavily disrupted year in terms of music performance, many children have continued with their music tutoring. Please enjoy our Summer Music Concert!
2018/19 Information
We look forward to a full return to our music programme next year
In-School Learning
66 Children have received 1 full year of violin lessons in Year 4 through Red Roodterand funded by the Kent Music Hub.
9 Children have received woodwind / brass lessons through Music for Schools (flute / clarinet / cornet / trumpet) paid for by parents for a small fee.
After School Clubs
This year there have been 4 after school music groups at Wentworth:
- Songbirds (KS1 choir)
- KS2 choir
- Music group (violins and recorder ensemble)
- Community ensemble
64 children have attended KS2 choir for between 3 and 6 terms.
22 children have attended KS1 choir.
20 children have attended Mrs. Franklin's music group.
10 families and their children together with staff have been involved with the community ensemble.
In total, well over 100 children have been involved with music-related clubs this year.
Around 35 children take private music lessons at school:
- 14 beginners
- 17 currently drage 1-3
- 1 at grade 4
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