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Remote Education

We are committed to providing remote learning in order to support children's development. We appreciate the support of our families in facilitating successful remote education arrangements which are detailed below.

In the case where Remote Education is necessary, the class teacher will use Class Dojo to contact parents and share work.  Children can print this work or complete it on separate paper.  Photographs of any completed work can be returned to the teacher through Class Dojo, where general feedback will be offered. Typically there will be an English focussed task and a maths focused task each day.  There will be a topic based activity for completion over the week.

In the case of a larger group needing to access remote education for a longer time period, this will be through Seesaw – in the Foundation Stage this will be through Tapestry.  Work will be posted for children by 9am each day in the form of online activities.  There will often be links to watch followed by related content from resources we use in school, including White Rose Maths, BBC bite size and the Oak National Academy.  On top of this, teachers will record learning videos with home learning tasks.  Children will sometimes be asked to complete their work through the app, at other times, they will be encouraged to write / make / build to demonstrate their learning.  In these instances, photographs should be uploaded.  Teachers will monitor content daily and offer feedback through Seesaw or Tapestry. Feedback can take many forms and may not always be extensive written comments for individual children.  Work will be adapted throughout the week as the teacher assesses class and individual pupil progress.  We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. Some of the wider curriculum topics will require more independence than the English and Maths tasks and we encourage children to explore their own interests on top of directed tasks.

All pupils will be strongly encouraged to engage with remote learning. In general, children in Key Stage 1 should be completing a minimum of 3 hours of school work per day when isolating and children in Key Stage 2 should be completing a minimum of 4 hours.  If children finish the tasks set (including any accompanying link videos) sooner, we encourage children to engage with the various learning apps and websites published on our school website, in particular Numbots for KS1 and Times Tables Rock Stars for KS2.  There is also an expectation that children will read for a significant period each day (at least 30 minutes). 

When children do not have devices to access this work, printed versions can be arranged and mailed out.  If appropriate, school devices will be loaned to families to support Remote Learning.  As a school, we have a limited number of devices available to support families in accessing remote learning.  Please contact Mr. Pollock through Class Dojo or by email (

Any children with Special Educational Needs should contact Mrs. Simcock (SENCO - for support with accessing home learning.  Mrs. Simcock will check in on children with additional needs to support class teachers in removing any barriers to remote learning.

As a school, we will monitor the engagement of pupils and strongly encourage their participation with remote learning.  Class teachers will contact through Class Dojo if work has not been submitted.  Support will be offered in accessing the work to ensure all barriers to engagement are removed.  We actively encourage parents to communicate any engagement issues so we can work collaboratively.

If there are any queries with remote learning tasks, parents are encouraged to contact the class teacher through Class Dojo.  Additional support can be arranged through this platform. 



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