The children arrived this morning at 8 a.m., excited for the adventure ahead. They gathered in their activity groups, met their group leaders, and then boarded the coach. Upon arrival, they explored their home for the next two days before heading straight into their first activities.

Group 1 took on Jacob's Ladder, where Emily impressed everyone by making it all the way to the top, and Amber showed great determination by giving it a go despite initial hesitation. In Group 2, Daneen demonstrated incredible resilience, climbing higher than she ever thought possible. Lexi excelled at archery, landing all her arrows on the target. Meanwhile, Ethan’s group also enjoyed archery, with Ethan noting, "It was great to watch people in the Waiting Zone—you could see them doing something they wouldn’t normally do."

After a hearty lunch at the Kingswood Diner, where hot food was also available, the children continued with more activities. Many participated in problem-solving challenges, where they had to arrange themselves in different ways without stepping off the logs. Ivy shared, "It was so tricky because if you got it wrong, you had to start over. We really had to show persistence and teamwork."
Reflecting on the day’s challenges, Phoebe said, "Jacob’s Ladder was the hardest thing today—it was so tricky to climb without slipping, and the ladder kept wobbling!" Lottie added, "Thea was so proud of me because she thought I did a great job."

Stanley returned from shelter-building completely covered in mud, laughing as he explained, "We kept falling over because it was so slippery, and we were carrying logs for our whole group!" Freddie added, "I think we’ve really shown our school value of Collaboration because we’ve been working together so well."
Maggie summed up the experience, saying, "You do a lot of activities, and you get to have so much fun. My favorite part so far was the archery!"

After dinner, the children headed to the sports hall for the Mini Olympics—where even the teachers joined in! Finally, with their last reserves of energy spent, they changed into pyjamas and settled in for Movie Night. It’s shaping up to be a late but hopefully quiet night ahead.
