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Term 3 2022 - Outdoor Learning

Year 3 Forest School

In term 3, Year 3 enjoyed some chilly forest school sessions but they followed the Forest School motto of “Never the wrong weather, just the wrong clothes.” Year 3 used nature to create some natural art.

They also had sessions where they looked at fossils and the earth and even found that Mr Langridge’s joke book was a fossil! Only joking Mr Langridge.

Mr Ketley, our Forest School Lead, planned activities which encouraged the children to explore and develop curiosity of their surroundings which they can so easily take for granted.

During the sessions the children learnt to appreciate the nature around them, which involved them getting a little bit muddy!

Next term, Year 4 will get the chance to explore the Forest school area.

Year 4 Residential

Continuing our outdoor learning activities, Year 4 were able to develop and use the Wentworth principles of resilience, courage and curiosity at Kingswood residential. Find out more about the trip on our blog page.

Year 6 are now looking forward to their 4 day residential at Windmill Hill in March.


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