Another glorious day!
Children were up and out extra early this morning as we all lost an hour's sleep! It did not affect the excited mood as children raced off to their morning activities.
The Trapeze gave children the opportunity to throw themselves from a platform high in the air and demonstrate tremendous courage and trust in their friends to hold the ropes for them! The encouragement from classmates was a joy to see.
Buggy building gave year 6 the opportunity to work as a team and make their very own vehicle. Miss Boreham and Mrs SImcock insisted on being transported around in the sunshine.

Many groups would say their favourite activity of the weekend was Jacob's Ladder. Once again, communication skills were very important as groups worked to hoist each other up to the highest possible level.

The children enjoyed their problem-solving activities which included having to balance their body weights on a giant see-saw. The matrix challenge foxed children for a while and they enjoyed the riddles too!

After dinner, children had some time to prepare their bags for departure tomorrow. There was a quick realisation that more time was needed to tidy some rooms!
The evening entertainment was a Sports Night which saw children compete in various unusual sports. The tug of war was a popular choice and children were proud to beat their teachers!

The children were excited to return to their cabins for their final night away from home. There are two more activities for them to take part in on the final day and then we return to school!