The day had finally arrived! Chloe said that she jumped out of bed this morning at 5:30 as she was so excited to get out and by 8am so many children were already at school ready for the weekend ahead. With suitcases bursting at the seams, year 6 were arranged into their groups for the weekend to complete some team building games in the hall. The caterpillar game was a particular favourite.
There were SpongeBob SquarePants chants on coach 2, whereas Rosie and Iris actually managed to sleep on coach 1! There were also rumours of Sweet Caroline on coach 1 - Much to Mr Ketley’s distaste. After a smooth journey around the M25, we arrived on site to glorious weather and children were given a tour of the site to get familiar with the new surroundings. We assembled in the sports hall for our lunch and a classic PGL game of “splat”. After lunch, children were issued with their regulation Wentworth Blue beanie hat - compulsory attire for the whole weekend.

We were so proud of Jack for being first on the zip line! “I was feeling really excited to try it and so I volunteered to go first!” Georgia said, “The zip line was the best thing ever (but we haven’t experienced the big swing yet!). It sounded like an air raid siren as you went down.” Anayah and Diyanah clearly enjoyed the activity as they landed in fits of giggles - it wasn’t the most smooth of landings!
Some groups headed for archery with Sai Nahal saying, “The equipment is quite heavy and it feels like you’re holding a real historical bow.” Hayden and Tommy both managed to hit gold - absolute naturals!

Mrs Born was proud of her group for adapting so well to their new environment - Violet in particular made some amazing progress across the day and was a superstar on the giant swing. Phoebe was excellent on the challenge course as she overcame a fear of heights to get her over some obstacles. The whole of group 7 were also fantastic at encouraging others. Miss Harman was proud of Kacey today for having a go at every single activity.
Children were so excited to finally get into their rooms and spend some time unpacking. After dinner, children grabbed their torches and headed to our evening activity which involved some very strange races (chickens, fast arms and strange drawings!). After earning coins for their performances, the children were rewarded with some equipment to build a protective case for their water balloon. Well done to groups 3, 4, 6 and 8 who managed to stop their balloon from bursting. Not so well done to the teachers who soaked Mr Pollock with the leftover balloons!

We returned to cabins and children settled well, here’s hoping to a calm evening before another full day tomorrow.