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PGL 2024 Day 1

Children arrived at school with their very manageable bags this morning and were organized into their activity groups for the trip.  To begin with, the children made posters of things that they had in common with the pupils in their new groups.  Many groups found that they shared a feeling of excitement about the trip – and also had their new blue beanie hats in common!

Adeeb - “People who don’t know each other can make new friends – I’ve spoken to Oscar from another class and I know I can talk to him all the time”

Children were excited on the coach journey with reports of a PGL chant ringing out from coach 1 and Happy Birthday coming from coach 2, not to mention some Wentworth assembly classics all the way along the M25. 

As children arrived on site, they were given a tour of their new home for the next 4 days.  Children headed off to their first activity for the afternoon, with group 1 enjoying the “Survivor” activity – den building and lighting fires in the woods!

Freya – “Jacob’s ladder was really hard because I couldn’t get past the fifth rung as they were getting so far apart.  I only got up to the 4th one at Kingswood in year 4!”

Sophie – “On the challenge course I faced my fear and went over one of the obstacles.  I feel happy that I did it…. Twice!

Later in the afternoon, children enjoyed their first meal of the trip with very positive reports!  This gave them the energy needed to take part in their evening activity of Ambush – a huge game of hide and seek in the woods!  It was fantastic to see the children so excited by the adventure of a night time stroll with torches.

We headed back to the cabins to relax for a short while before bed time.  Hopefully there’s a long peaceful night ahead before our activities tomorrow!

Zander – “We’re having the best time ever!”

Krish – “Even though you are not with your friends it is really fun as you can make new friends.


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