Year 1
Year 1 have been thinking about what History is by looking at some differences between past and present. They have sorted pictures of toys from the past and present and have matched the older item with its newer version.
They have thought about and sequenced three events in their own lives.
Year 2
Year 2 have been thinking about events that have happened in their own past and used the historical vocabulary to talk about them. They have sequenced and described some of their own memories.
Next, the children have been learning about some events and significant people beyond living memory and are starting to think about differences in ways of life in different times. They have sequenced pictures of people and events within a timeline.
Year 4: Invaders and Settlers
To begin their topic, Year 4 looked at timelines showing when the Romans, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings invaded Britain.
The children have found out about the lives of Roman soldiers, then used the information to write imaginary letters home, describing what their lives were like.
They looked at and made maps to show the spread of the Roman Empire in Europe and have found out about the life of Julius Caesar.
They have found out about Roman mosaics and created their own designs.
Year 5: Ancient Greece and Life Today
Year 5 are learning about the achievements of the Ancient Greeks and their influence on the modern world.
As an introduction to the topic, they considered when Ancient Greece was and an overview of some of the achievements. The children worked in groups to order cards as a timeline.
The children found out about theatre in Ancient Greece using information books, video clips and the mask artefacts and then presented their findings.
Year 5 enjoyed watching a performance of the Greek story ‘Perseus and Medusa’ performed by a visiting theatre company on 27th September. They then took part in a drama workshop to practice their own acting skills.
The Ancient Olympics has been the next focus, using clues from the past to understand what the games were like and why they were held. This was especially relevant following the Olympic Games which were held this summer. The children worked in pairs to make fact posters about the Ancient Olympics.